
‘The room was set ablaze with Divine Love; one could palpably feel this love saturated throughout the entire room. The feeling of home was rekindled within our hearts. Many people didn’t want to leave the room upon the completion of Laura’s powerful transmissions’

Nicole, Celebrate Life Festival, Germany


Well, here’s the short version!  Having fallen into a traditional style ‘disciple and master’ relationship with my Kashmiri Sufi guide twelve years ago, I started an intense journey of the heart that would eventually lead me to dynamically perform the verses of our great mystics wherever I travel.

With my professional background of many years exploring physical theatre and performance, it made sense to combine the inner and outer journey by devising performances where I would memorise and share the spiritual poetry that was now so close to my heart.

The beauty of the mystics’ verses is that, no matter which spiritual path we are walking, these timeless words will inevitably help us all to return home, again and again, to the divine bond which unites us all. 

I share the sacred words of the mystics as a tangible reminder of who we are, right here, right now, welcoming all aspects of our darkness and our light, our trauma, and our joy.

As well as verses from the mystics, I now offer to perform any love poetry from any poet, if it touches your heart to hear it and brings joy to your event. Let me know what flavour speaks to you.

I offer these devotional performances as an artistic contribution to our awakening world to audiences large and small, from a deep diving spiritual community in the jungle to large scale global conferences and festivals to private parties.

My intention is to invoke the heart-warming vision that the mystics and poets speak of, bringing us pleasure & connection in our human experience, and inspiration and insight on our spiritual journeys.

I offer the performances with love and good will to all.

Laura Merri

With deepest gratitude to my beloved Sufi guide who always leads me beyond, James Khan.

When you hold my gaze With tenderness that would carry a snowflake
Then I am all that I am Protected through to a thousand dawns

I came and sat in front of you As I would at an alter Every promise I made before I broke when I saw you Rumi

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With deepest thanks to my beloved friends & teachers whose wisdom reflections are invaluable to me… Rosie Cusson, Raphaela Garvey, Dan Joy, Viktor van der Kleij, Duncan Mackintosh, Ray Mistry, Puss, Miranda Tolen, my grandmother Eileen Ashton & my parents Bill and Bridget (the staunchest atheists around!)